What others say about Tom Atlee's work and the Co-Intelligence Institute

Tom Atlee provides a service to society and to me individually that is of inestimable worth. He sorts through so many important articles, ideas, and groups, and generously offers them to us. I trust his discernment, and I've grown dependent on him. In the midst of information overwhelm, I know that I won't miss anything crucial, because Tom is on the case. We serve the same values and purpose—to do all we can to help create a just, humane, intelligent society where people enjoy working together and bring out the best in each other.

Margaret Wheatley, author of Leadership and the New Science, A Simpler Way, and Turning to One Another, www.berkana.org

Because of Tom Atlee we feel prepared to enter the new millennium with hope and a sense of possibility even in the face of the major challenges and unknowns that may confront us all in the next period of our lives. Tom's work on co-intelligence provides clear evidence that we have the resources and wisdom we need to confront even the most difficult challenges, if we will just put them to use with intentionality and wisdom.

Juanita Brown, thinking partner with senior leaders; large-scale change architect; co-founder of The World Cafe www.theworldcafe.com

What Tom Atlee is writing about is just about the most important thing that's happening at the beginning of the twenty-first century. I've been researching the emerging integral culture for over two decades. It has got to be a co-intelligent culture.

Paul H. Ray, PhD, co-author of The Cultural Creatives, www.culturalcreatives.org

I am eager to see Tom Atlee's thinking shared very widely. I know of no one who is presenting so encompassing and humane a matrix for understanding the varieties of intelligence we need so urgently today.

Sherry Ruth Anderson, PhD, co-author of The Feminine Face of God and The Cultural Creatives, www.culturalcreatives.org

Tom Atlee brilliantly articulates emerging cultural possibilities that rapidly can move us, as a species and a planet, through our current systems breakdown to a new level of conscious evolution.

Carolyn R. Shaffer, co-author of Creating Community Anywhere

Tom Atlee is one of the few genuine geniuses I know. His work on co-intelligence holds some of the keys to enabling us to work with the ever-more complex opportunities in human existence. I am committed to making sure his work is broadly known.

Robert Theobald, futurist, author of over 25 books, including Turning the Century and The Rapids of Change, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Theobald

Tom Atlee's work is on the cutting edge of cultural transformation and democratic procedure. He is bright, wise, and anything he writes has a great deal of openness to others and diversity.

Arny Mindell, author of Leadership as a Martial Art and Sitting in the Fire, www.aamindell.net/

Until I started following Tom's work, most of my sources were mainstream. He opened my eyes to a much wider range of viewpoints. Not only does he continually keep me aware of diverse perspectives on critical issues, he has also expanded my thinking about the nature of democracy and what's possible.

Peggy Holman, co-editor of The Change Handbook: Group Methods for Shaping the Future, www.opencirclecompany.com

Tom Atlee's co-intelligence work is an important part of what is needed for creating a healthy society. His cutting-edge thinking about collective process and participatory democracy is crucial for our understanding of social transformation. Tom is a visionary activist whose ideas come from a passionate and spiritual presence.

Jay Earley, transformational psychologist, and coach, author of Transforming Human Culture

Tom Atlee is a unique soul who is fostering the awakening of our collective wisdom.

Duane Elgin, author of Voluntary Simplicity and Promise Aheadwww.awakeningearth.org

The Co-Intelligence Institute website is a truly epic, magnificent achievement and a source of inspiration for all who seek nurturing of the spirit. I have tremendous respect for Tom Atlee's ongoing fine efforts on behalf of humanity and beyond.

Alan Stewart, PhD facilitator, Adelaide, Australia, conversare.net/about-alan/

Tom Atlee's staggering compilation of evidence for co-intelligence is one of the best signs I see that our human species is at last evolving toward co-creating cooperative maturity as all surviving species must sooner or later. It gives me both hope and resources for my own continuing work on this theme.

Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D., evolution biologist, author of EarthDance, www.sahtouris.com

Tom Atlee's work embodies a community of co-intelligence in action. Sharing of information, opportunities for collaboration, deep democracy in action. This is essential work for building the community sentient people crave. Tom's work is an important contribution to the world I want to create.

Stewart Levine, Esq, author of Getting to Resolution and The Book of Agreement

To be a true force for inspired change in the world, three things are necessary:

  1. A deep understanding of the depth, breadth, and complexity of the human condition;

  2. Practical suggestions for how to improve the human condition;

  3. A dogged commitment to put your vision and knowledge into action.

Tom Atlee is one of those rare beings who possesses all three attributes. I count it a great honor to know Tom, a great blessing to be able to partake of his wisdom, and a true gift to be able to share Tom's thoughtful, often soul-stirring insights with others who are seeking to make our world a better place.

David Sunfellow, Founder and President, NewHeavenNewEarth

Tom Atlee's unswerving commitment to be a conduit for what is possible together inspires us to keep at it.

Marilyn Welker, founder and director of Simply Living, and Robert Welker, professor of education at Wittenberg University, named 2001 "Ohio Professor of the Year" by the Carnegie Foundation

In my opinion, Tom Atlee is a national treasure.

Dan Drasin writer, researcher, and award-winning filmmaker, Greenbrae, CA

Tom Atlee's clarity, insight, and generosity of information have helped and will continue to help my thinking. The Innovations in Democracy project sounds fascinating and so incredibly important at this juncture.

Shelby Berkowitz, Michigan State University